Houlihan Lokey Advises BrandFX

Houlihan Lokey is pleased to announce that BrandFX LLC, majority controlled by Stonebridge Partners, has been sold to Time Manufacturing Co., a portfolio company of The Sterling Group. The transaction closed on November 6, 2019.
Founded in 1984, BrandFX has become the world's largest producer of advanced composite service bodies, line bodies, toppers, and other fiberglass components for specialty equipment. BrandFX is focused on designing and producing premium lightweight and durable composite truck bodies that deliver the highest lifecycle value available on the market. BrandFX is headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas.
Stonebridge Partners, established in 1986, is an operations-oriented private investment firm that invests in middle-market manufacturing, service, and distribution businesses. Stonebridge Partners has invested more than $850 million of capital since its inception.
Time Manufacturing Co., through its Versalift and Aspen Aerials brands, is a global manufacturer of bucket trucks, digger derricks, cable placers, service bodies, and other specialty equipment for power generation, transmission and distribution, electric utility, telecommunications, bridge inspection, light and sign, tree care, and other fleet-supported industries.
Houlihan Lokey acted as exclusive financial advisor and assisted in marketing, structuring, and negotiating the transaction on behalf of BrandFX and Stonebridge Partners. This transaction further demonstrates the firm's continued success in advising market-leading specialty manufacturers as well as its deep domain expertise within the heavy equipment sector.
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