Houlihan Lokey Advises Cobepa

Transaction: Houlihan Lokey Advises Cobepa

Houlihan Lokey is pleased to announce that Cobepa SA (Cobepa) has acquired Salice S.p.A. (Salice), a global leader in premium furniture hardware and components. Houlihan Lokey acted as the exclusive financing advisor to Cobepa. The transaction closed on 28 June 2022.

Cobepa is an independent, privately-held investment company and has offices in Brussels, New York, and Munich. Cobepa manages a diversified portfolio of private equity investments valued at approximately $4bn and invests in top companies with superior business models, sustainable market positions, and leading management teams.

Salice is a family-owned company founded in 1926 and headquartered in Novadrate, Italy. The group is a leading player in furniture hardware, offering a wide range of opening solutions, mainly focused on hinges, but also drawer runners and sliding systems, to the high-end furniture market. Salice operates from three production plants in Italy and has a vertically integrated production process, developing most of the assembly machinery and equipment in-house. The group has a global presence through 10 foreign subsidiaries and 11 sales offices worldwide, with exports representing more than 75% of total net sales to over 90 countries.

Houlihan Lokey provided debt advice on all commercial aspects of the financing transaction. Following a comprehensive selection process involving several potential debt structures, this advice secured a competitive financing package to also support the group’s growth strategy.

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