Leonardo & Co. Advises Castello SGR

Transaction: Leonardo & Co. Advises Castello SGR

Leonardo & Co., in association with Houlihan Lokey, is pleased to announce that Fondo Risparmio Immobiliare Uno Energia (Fondo RIUE), a listed Italian real estate fund managed by Castello SGR SpA, has secured an amendment and extension of the main terms and conditions of its debt exposure. The transaction closed on March 27, 2019.

Fondo RIUE is a listed Italian real estate fund established in October 2006 and managed by Castello SGR with an open market value of approximately €109 million and a debt exposure of approximately €80 million as of December 31, 2018.

Castello SGR, established in July 2007, is a leading asset management company engaged in the design and execution of real estate investment strategies with a consolidated experience in both national and international real estate and financial markets. Castello SGR has more than €2 billion in assets under management and manages 32 real estate funds. Fondo RIUE and Castello SGR have renegotiated the main terms and conditions of the secured debt exposure of Fondo RIUE towards a pool of creditors composed of Cassa di Risparmio di Bolzano, Mediocredito Trentino Alto Adige, and Yanez SPV (a special purpose vehicle that manages a set of UniCredit receivables through a servicing company named Aurora REcovery Capital), and achieved, inter alia, a three-year extension of the maturity and an amendment of the reimbursement mechanism.

Leonardo & Co., in association with Houlihan Lokey, served as the exclusive financial advisor to Castello SGR and Fondo RIUE, assisting in negotiating the main terms and conditions of the financing agreement with its creditors. 

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