James Local

James Local

Managing Director Co-Head of Training and Education

Mr. Local joined Houlihan Lokey in 2018 through the acquisition of Quayle Munro. He is based in the firm’s London office.

Mr. Local has nearly two decades of corporate finance experience, providing independent advice on public and private mergers and acquisitions, fundraising, and debt restructuring.

Mr. Local’s education and HCM experience cover the spectrum, including edtech, schools, education software and services, corporate training, and HCM software. Recent transactions in the space include Inspired Education (international schools group); Impero (U.K. and U.S. K–12 edtech); Calco (Netherlands-based IT training and recruitment); ICS Learn (certificated online training); Minerva Education (K–12 schools group); Atlas Energy (accredited online training and compliance); Times Higher Education (higher education rankings and data business of Tes); Kallidus (SaaS talent management); itslearning (global K–12 SaaS learning platform); BIMM (for-profit university); CIPHR (HCM and learning SaaS platform); BPP (for-profit university); QuestionMark (SaaS assessment platform); Circus Street (online B2B digital marketing training); Estio (specialist data and cyber apprenticeships training provider); Inspera (SaaS assessment platform); Twinkl (K–12 platform); and Trainor (immersive accredited training).

Mr. Local is a Governor for the Howard Partnership Trust, a multi-academy trust that operates a number of schools in the U.K.

Mr. Local holds a BA (Hons) from the University of Cambridge and is a Chartered Accountant from the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Scotland.

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