Freight Brokerage: Lessons From the Downturn and Questions for the Next Cycle

Freight brokerage now approaches 50 years in development as an industry. Over that period, brokerage has experienced a long secular growth trend—ever “up and to the right” in the broad sweep—punctuated by periodic cyclical down drafts. What does this all mean for the future of freight brokerage?

We will present this series in four parts:

  • Episode One: The Agent Model
  • Episode Two: Technology and Digital Freight Matching
  • Episode Three: Contractual Versus Spot Freight
  • Episode Four: Questions for the Next Cycle

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Transportation and Logistics - Freight Brokerage: Lessons From the Downturn and Questions for the Next Cycle - Episode Two - PDF Download

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Burke Smith Managing Director
Burke Smith
Philip Keffer Director
Philip Keffer
Nathan Feldman Vice President
Nathan Feldman