How to Apply

Find the opportunity that’s right for you

Hints and Tips


Before you invest time in an application, ensure that you are clear about what we do, the programme you are applying to, and why it interests you. This could be your future career, so it is worth finding out as much as you can to make sure the role is the right match for you and aligns with your career ambitions.

Show Us Who You Are

Be more than just an application. We want to know who you are, your experiences, and your motivations for working with Houlihan Lokey. The candidates who give us a strong impression of their personalities are those who stand out.

Tailor Your Application

The written application is your chance to make a strong first impression. Maximise your chances by tailoring your responses to our organisation and expressing your enthusiasm to work here.

Make Sure Your Contact Details Are Correct

Double-check that the contact details you provided are accurate and up to date. Without these, we cannot invite you to the next stage in the process.

The Process

Telephone Interview

If your application is successful, you will then be invited to a telephone interview with a recruiter or someone from a business department, depending on the role.

In-Person Interviews

If you are successful at the telephone interview, we will invite you to our offices for a series of in-person interviews. These interviews may take place over the course of one day or over multiple days.

Your Offer

If you have been successful through all the stages, then congratulations! You will receive an offer from us. Even if you have not been successful, we will let you know. We get back to all candidates.


Whatever the outcome of your application, we always offer feedback for all candidates who have done in-person interviews. Should you wish to receive feedback, you will be contacted to schedule a telephone call.

Feedback is reserved for candidates who reach the in-person stage and is not offered to candidates in the telephone interview stage.